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Constrained Particle System Simulator

By Rin Tepis

Simulation Settings:

Animation speed = 1.00x

Frame =


Feedback Terms:

Constraint System:

Please define the particles, constraints, and rendering options in the code editor below using Constrained Particle System Simulator Language (CPSSL), a simple domain specific language I created for this project:


Please define forces in the code editor below using Python:


Simulator Status:

Particle positions:

Constraint error values:

Intermediary expressions:


    Web Worker Status:

    Currently running: False

    Tasks in queue: 0

    This program uses a Web Worker (essentially a separate thread) to run a fully emulated Python environment, as JavaScript ecosystem lacks libraries that are suitable for scientific computations. Unfortunately, due to technical limitations, I cannot terminate a python computation from the main thread without restarting the entire Web Worker. Therefore, if the Python environment is stuck (for example, when evaluating an impossible integral, and for some reason sympy cannot tell that it is incapable of solving it), you have to manually press the "Restart Web Worker" button below.